Thursday, January 14, 2016

The text which it had provided to "Gorkutata (Dedekorkut) International Conference", in Ashgabat.

Dr. Ownuk H.
Some versions of the epic of the book "Dedekorkut", which it has cared in foreign countries!
Toronto-Dr. Hangeldi Ownuk: Note: The original version of this article in the Turkmen language on the alphabet Russian Cyrillic script that in those days it was customary in Turkmenistan still Cyrillic alphabets was presented to the conference.(Page:1, P.2, P3., P.4,) And then it had been returned to the languages Turkish Turkey, Latin Turkmen, The Classic Turkmen alphabet, English, Russian and Persian. This article was published in the research institutes of the world. Including:
1. ГОРКУТ АТА, – 1500,. Макалалар йыгындысы, (Hangeldi OWNUK, “Gorkut ata eposynyñ daşary ỳurtlardaky warianty”), “Магарыф”, A.:-1999 м. (Konfrensiỳa).
2. PDF – 7682 Ovnuk, Hangeldi, Gorkut Ata Destani’nin yabanci ülkelerdeki..
3. PDF: Gorkut ata Konferensi” Aşgabat-1999 ý.,
4. SahypaOVNUK, Hangeldi, “Gorkut Ata” Eposınıŋ Daşarı Yurtlardakı Variantı…
5. T. C. Başkanlık Atatürk Kültür, Dil v Tarıh Yüksek Kurumu: – “ATATÜRK KÜKLTÜR MERKEZI», ve “II item file”, ...
6. Türkçe metni “Gorkut ata destani’nin yabanci ulkelerdeki varyantlary…”
Ayry Kayanaklar:
Gorkut Ata
Text: According to legend, one of the historians of the sixteenth century that says: "- in the period close to the time of Prophet Muhammad, between the tribes of Oguzs character as the "Dedekorkut" has emerged. He has written a book that the book's language Oguz tribes "Dedekorkut" known." [1]
The epics of "Gorkutata (Dedekorkut)" which as is dates back to near the period of the Prophet Muhammad, many periods through the centuries at the heart of the mysterious and created in multiple events, of heroism and bravery, of adjectives human and moral message was known. This epic mainly from the 14th century to the 16th century has been written to consideration of the world. This epical written works over time, many researchers carefully and historians and has attracted. ...

According to research by the famous Russian researcher Сергей Демидов, the centuries XIV-XV,: a man named Ehsan Sheikh, is known as "Oguznamekhan", he among locals as "Dana ata (wise ata)" is known him among all the tribes of "Söýühany (Hosseinkhani)" in the area Western Turkmenistan (Yomudystan) called "Oguznamekhan" is known. He had been as a Turkmen singer (Bakhshi) "Owzan Bakhshy" by singing with the dutar narrating and singing about epic "Dedekorkut ata"[2]
These epics about the years 1900, by the famous Russian researchers "V.V. Barthold"[3] and "EE Bertels"[4] is about research. This work is published in 1915, the first time in Istanbul.
Russian scholar, V.V. Barthold in the seventh book of his works called articles of the Turkmen formation date" is inserted, the number of states of Turkmens confederation of tribes "Garagoyunlis" and "Akgoyunlis" that were in XIV-XVI centuries is, will talk about the epics of "Dedekorkut ata", and states the following statements:
“В отношении зависимости ряду историй и басни, что "ДЕДЕ КОРКУТ ", с туркменской певцов или "Пир-дана (старейшина мудрый)", которые определяют и защищают духовное и национальное мороз народный была выражена прежде всего в Туркман "Горкут Ата (Деде Коркут)" написаны и опубликованы , потому что главного героя "Баяндирхпн", есть лидера племен Огузов, и прадеда лидер новый султан Узынхасана Ак-Коюнлу Конфедераця Tуркмени".[5]
Translated to the English it be:
 "- In relation of dependence row of stories and anecdotes that the "Dedekorkut", from the turkmen Dutar singer or "Pir-dana (Elder wise)" that specify and protect the people's spiritual and national frost has been expressed primarily in the Turkman "Dedekorkut" written and published. Because it is the main hero of "Bayandyrkhan", leader of the Oguz tribes, and the great-grandfather new Sultan Akgoyunli Turkman leader Uzun Hassan"[6].
This epic stories on the course of the Confederacy Ak Goyunli’s[7] are common and it is common in the halls of the king and the leaders and commanders of the army has been put into special performances. View and implementation of this kind of performs to date from the group of "Elders" in national ceremony for Turkey refers to the old traditions of old Oghuzes tribes remains.
The book of the "Dedekorkut (Gorkut ata)" for the first time in the Soviet Union by Professor Mati (Mehdi) Kosayev in 1950 as the official Book was prepared for publication. The different sets of copies "Chavdir" and "Iğdır", Ata Rahmonov also Folklorist from the 16 it had collected anecdotes. In general, whatever the process and the creation and emergence of epic Korkut Ata think, the more you will attract your mind.
This work, which means the book of “Dedekorkut” peak power at Aq Qoyunly Confederation Dynasty, the curiosity and the minds of explorers who came from Europe, it has attracted. The book falls to the hands of the kings of Europe, that it’s centralized in Vatican. How about its why had fallen the book, to hands of the kings of Europe, there is no anything specific information, but the Turkmen ruler King Uzun Hassan Aq Qoyunlu with the European Kings of also had close diplomatic relationship.
Sultan Uzun Hassan bayanderi wanted to buy military equipment as well as new tools and facilities. He was ambassador at the time called "Haji Mohammad (Haji-Mammet) legate Big" was called. Sultan, him was elected as a representative Turkman government, and then is sent to Europe (Venice). The Italian king "Venice" to this question of Turkman's king was agree. After that Italian ambassador "Catherin Zino" of Venice, with 99 ships ammunition immediately sent to the king of Persia and the presence of Sultan Translated to the English it be: "- In relation of dependence row of stories and anecdotes that the "Dedekorkut", from the turkmen Dutar singer or "Pir-dana (Elder wise)" that specify and protect the people's spiritual and national frost has been expressed primarily in the Turkman "Dedekorkut" written and published. Because it is the main hero of "Bayandyrkhan", leader of the Oguz tribes, and the great-grandfather new Sultan Akgoyunli Turkman leader Uzyn Hasan Ak Goyunli[8] be granted.[9]
Based on such diplomatic relations, the book "«Gorkut Ata" had carried to the European countries. Based on this diplomatic relations, the book of the “Dedekorkut Ata" was carried to the European countries. The developments of the Renaissance because of changes in those days had caused the attention of Europeans to learn as much as history and literature of the East countries. The anecdotes and stories in this book, the head and the ancestors of all the tribes Oguz "Bayandary khan" has been and he was great ancestor of Sultan Uzyn Hasan Akgoyunly's king's Turkman.
The epic of "Dedekorkut Ata" in the centuries XIV-XV had been released by the Turkman kings between the governments of Turkmans Iraq, Azerbaijan, and Turkmens Ottoman.
In the version that was published in Istanbul in 1915, This book basically according to available reports on the copies in museums "Dresden" Germany and also in version Museum "Vatican" Rome is available, as the source is placed. According to the point of Professor k. that has refers to it, "- some of the words and manner of speech and language in which the book is incomplete and in some cases distorted. (Ondaky käbir sozler hem dil şiweleri nakys hem kä halatda ýoýulup gidýär!)"[10]
On the other hand, given the fact that we can say: "- version of "Dresden" and "Vatican" primarily on the basis of Azerbaijani versions were cited in it." The reason of this event is in that period of history, from the second half of the XIV century, the first capital of Aq Goyunli's Bayandari Turkmans were in the çity "Diyarbakir" in Iraq and then Tabriz (Töwriz) was in South Azerbaijan. At the time, diplomats and European travelers often have close ties had been traveled with the city of Tabriz.
The book of "Dedekorkut Ata" from Muharram Ergin has been reprinted three times. First published in years 1958, second edition in 1964, the third edition of this work in 1986 was presented and to carefully residents the published book of "Dedekorkut Ata" also to cite to the aforementioned versions has been published.
In the preface to this work are commented: "The text of the book "Dedekorkut" has been released by citing the Azerbaijani version."The plurality hekayat that the content of this saga there, it belongs to all Turkic lands from Turkey to the Turkistan, in a single form of life has been reported to date. The epic "Dedekorkut" as a common culture, the real ideology (real idea) has been the entire territory of the Turkics. For this reason, the effect is not only related to Azerbaijan or Turkey, but it has as a dependence to the all of world Turkic people, the importance and impact of the emergence of a common effect, the national culture is the world's proud it to the close together and connects."[11].
Version of the epic "Dedekorkut Ata" which it maintenance in the Vatican, the 6 chapters. But the content of the work in the maintenance in "Dresden" of Germany is 12 chapters. In this version of the saga, in a book entitled "Dedekorkut Ata" was published in 1986 by Professor Mahram Ergin, on both scientific surveys conducted comparative examination and any one of it, with signs and numbers specific investigate and has been identified.
Professor Muharrem Ergin about his scientific works says: "The book which its dependent to epics of the "book of Dedekorkut" is known, sets or collections of stories Oguzes is, the content of this histories has been shaped by centuries of the lifes. it's basically in the late XIV c., to the early XVI c., has been reached as contents of written texts that we are seeing today."[12]
Professor Muharram Ergin as well as the time of the writen this work, took that period of dynasties Confederation of Akkoyunli's Turkmans in consideration is. However, if you take into account the views of Professor Matti Kosayev, it appears that the effect existed since ancient times as well as had been written.
When the epic "Dedekorkut Ata" for the first time in Istanbul was published by the publishers that were prepared in form of 2 tomes of books in the years of (1958-1963). When the beginning the first volume of this work from the "Turk Dili Kurumu (Institute of Turkic language)," was published, the first volume of this work in two volumes, with a foreword, anecdotes Turkic tribes as well as a comparative study (comparative) Both of versions in "Dresden" of Germany and "Vatican" of Rome, to sources and citation of this scientific work have published. However, the second volume of this work for indexing (Catalogues) and with the rules of grammar format is presented.
The first volume of the "Dedekorkut Ata" in 1958/ Ce. The book as an essential part of the backbone of anecdotes that had gathered in the accounts published at the same time with enthusiastic reception from readers and fans faces. Thus, by providing the tension and numerous requests from residents of public accounts, provide the necessary needs to print it again. In reprinted again the places you need to correct in the book is, again, its reforms as well as the characteristics and differences between both versions on the same pages again be reprinted. But in this time Dedekorkut epic than its first edition, different and profound, beautiful shape and the desired content is published. Especially in the final pages of the second volume of the series of books published, "dictionary" is also incorporated. This, in turn, has made the work bright content and with the weight and more particularly.
After the publication of this epic "Dedekorkut ata" in the second series of its release, in 1964, that from the "Research of Institute of Turkic Culture (civilization)", was released, at the request of readers repeated, one more again in 1986, for the third time published. The print version of its differences from each other and be brought individually.
Also during the second printing of this epic "Dedekorkut ata" in the Turkey, as valid version variant of "Dresden" and it is placed on the "Vatican" is used as an aid. Also during the second printing of this epic "Dedekorkut ata" in the Turkey, as valid version, variant of "Dresden" been used but, as an aid version of "Vatican" is used to. Basic text, which in the case of "Dresden" (Zach. 2007-9), Pages and Numbers it is regularly replaced.
Based on texts, they are also differences in "Dresden" with the letter "D" and enter the number of pages, and is in the "Vatican" version with the letter "V" and enter the number of pages shown. The binding principles and sorting, the pages and numbers them in the version "D", as in the original version of the text by inserting the numbers, such as: 12, 3, instead of rows shown. But, in the version "V" number plates by the marking lines are shown. Signs numerical numbers in a number of rows in the "Dresden" Germany. Because this is the principle of binding and sorting.
Because of the arrangement of every page that the row is 13, by binding the page number, until the thirteenth row continues. Texts that the "Dresden" yet, from the "Vatican" of citations and, had picked.
Famous Professor Mehmet Fuat Köprülü[13] one of the leading scholars of literature leaving their classes, which always has to rely on it, about the epic "Dedekorkut Ata" who belong to the all Turkic people, said: "If all the literature do on the balance of scale and epic Dedekorkut, on the other side of the weight, the book of "Dedekorkut" continues to be heavy.", the epic of "Dedekorkut" and its importance among all the people leave, beyond the idea of that Mehmet Fuat Köprülü has been pointed out, about it, nothing be said.
The epic of "Dedekorkut" that with such persistence and your old life perpetuated the belief Turkmens great literature as well as its leading position in the Turkic language was.
In the years 1979-1981 in the Islamic Republic of Iran, a special publication as "Dedekorkut" from the Azeri variant it has been released but, the later period were of this publication's unfortunately prevented.
The value of epical stories "Dedekorkut", the natural result is an epic world. These anecdotes are without doubt of a national content. National stories in the history of every nation, language and literature, it is always a great place.
According to Professor Mehmet Fuat Köprülü: "... because of the prominence of the book "Dedekorkut" among all the people of Turkic, for kids on point of view of moral dignity, national pride and honour, a deep role they will lives in influencing mood!". Without a doubt we can say that, anyone of Turkic who has read this book and understand, never even inadvertently not lost their national pride! ...

Dr. Hangeldi Ownuk Arazgeldi ogly, Academy of Sciences and the Cabinet of Ministers Turkmenistan the higher specialist researcher in Institute of Historical sciences - Presented to: "Korkut Ata conference" ASHGABAT-1999

 [1] . Мэти Косэев, «Горкут ата», ... Ашгабат: …
[2] . "Сергей Демидов: религиозные процессы в Туркменистане после распада Советского".
[3] . Vasily Vladimirovich Bartold (Russian: Васи́лий Влади́мирович Барто́льд, Polish: Wasilij Władimirowicz Bartołd, German: Wilhelm Barthold,[1] also known as Wilhelm Barthold; 15 November [O.S. 3 November] 1869 – 19 August 1930) was a Russian and Soviet historian who specialized in the history of Islam and the Turkic peoples (Turkology).
[4] . Евгений Эдуардович Бертельс (13 (25) декабря 1890, Санкт-Петербург — 7 октября 1957, Москва) — советский востоковед (иранист и тюрколог), профессор ЛГУ, член-корреспондент АН СССР (1939), член-корреспондент Иранской АН (1944), Туркменской АН (1951), Арабской АН в Дамаске (1955). После Великой Отечественной войны жил в Москве.
[5] . Vasily Vladimirovich Bartold, / it was shown/-...
[6] . Uzun Hasan or Hassan (1423 – January 6, 1478) (Turkmen: Uzyn Hasan, Azerbaijani: اوزون حسن , Uzun Həsən; Turkish: Uzun Hasan, where uzun means "tall"‎‎) was a sultan of the Aq Qoyunlu dynasty, also known as the White Sheep Turkmens.
[7] . The Ağ Qoyunlu or Ak Koyunlu, also called the White Sheep Turkmens (Azerbaijani Ağqoyunlu, Turkmeni: Akgoýunly, Persian: آق قویونلو or آغ قویونلو), was a Sunni, an Azerbaijani Oghuz Turkic tribal federation that ruled present-day Azerbaijan, Armenia, Eastern Turkey, part of Iran, and northern Iraq from 1378 to 1501.
[8] . Uzun Hassan Aq Qoyunlu
[9] . Валтер Хинтес.[ والتر هینتس. شاه اسماعیل دوم صفوی. ترجمهٔ کیکاوس جهانداری. چاپ اول. تهران: شرکت انتشارات علمی و فرهنگی، ۱۳۷۱.],[ Walter Hinz (German: Walther Hinz) (born 19 November 1906 in Stuttgart - died on November 12, 1992 in Göttingen), (1906-1992), he is one of the great German scientists Iranist indicator among many.] ...
[10] . Мэти Косэев, «Горкут ата», ... Ашгабат: ...
[11] . Мәхеррем Эргин, «Дәде Горгут китабы», (метин, сѳзлўк), Стамбул – 1986 й.
[12] . Шол ерде. /гѳрк.иш./, (Muharrem Ergin (1925)-6.1.1995), [1925 yılında Azerbaycan'ın Ahıska bölgesinde doğdu. 1943 yılında Balıkesir Lisesi'ni ve 1947 yılında İistanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü'nü bitirdi. Bir süre öğretmenlik yaptı. Mezun olduğu bölüme asistan oldu (1951). 1963’te docent, 1971’de profesör oldu. Bölüm başkanlığı yaptı. Dil sahasındaki araştırmaları yanında, Ortadoğu gazetesinde fikir yazıları da yazdı. Aydınlar Ocağı yöneticiliği yapmıştır. 6 Ocak 1995 tarihinde vefat etti.

Türk Dil Bilgisi, Osmanlıca Dersleri, Dede Korkut Kitabı,Orhun Abideleri, Azeri Türkçesi, Türkiye’nin Bugünkü Meseleleri, Türklerin Soy Kütüğü (sadeleştirme), Miliyetçiler Birleşiniz, Türk Dili I, II, Kadı Burhaneddin Divanı.
[13] . Mehmet Fuat Köprülü (December 5, 1890 – June 28, 1966), aka Köprülüzade, who traced his descent from the illustrious Köprülü family, was a Turkish politician, historian and Professor ordinarius, known for his contributions to Ottoman history, Turkish folklore and language. ...

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