Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Harvard Style Citation of my dissertation
Гарвардский Стиль Цитирование моей диссертации

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Russian State Library Electronic Catalogue (OPAC)

Translation of Document Dissertation

The Cultural history of the Turkmens of Iran (XIX-XX cc.) The Abstract Diss. ... The Candidate of Histories Sciences: 07.00.02

The Harvard-Style Citation

Ovnuk, H. A. son, 1995. The Cultural history of the Turkmens of Iran (XIX-XX cc.)

Abstract diss. ... The candidacy of Ph. D. histories sciences: 07.00.02. Ashgabat: (s.n.)

About the record
Collection: Russian State Library Electronic
Catalogue (OPAC)
Contributor: Russian State Library
Type: Catalogue Record

Identifier: 000780463
Available since: 2013-03-20
Subjects: National History
Description: Refs.: P. 0 (c. 0)
Creator: Hangeldi son Arazgeldi Ovnuk
Audience: Unknown
Publication: Ashgabat: 1995
Language: Turkmen
Illustrations: Illustrations
Resource type: Text
Format: yl(ил)
Extent: 22 c.
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Description: Russian books and other peoples' books of the Russian Federation as well as books in European languages acquired from 1980 to 1997 (not all the Russian State Library acquisitions of this period have been reflected in the United Electronic Catalogue); Russian acquisitions as of 1998; acquisitions in other European languages - since 1999; acquisitions in other languages of the RF, except Russian, since 2003; Russian acquisitions as of 1978-1979 (in test mode); dissertations defended in the country since 1994, partly in the previous years, except medicine and pharmacology, "authors" abstracts, acquisitions as of 1987, partly in the previous years; musical notation editions (from the XVI th century to 2000); incunabula (dating to the XV th century); foreign incunabula dating to the XVI - XVIII centuries; editions in the Cyrillic alphabet; electronic copies of the Russian and foreign books from the RSL Stacks (from the XVIII th century to a quarter of the XX th century).

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